Crossword Solver CS Free

Published September 10, 2016

I am pleased to announce the release of a free version of Crossword Solver CS: Crossword Solver CS Free.

As the name suggests, it's a free version of Crossword Solver CS:

  • A crossword and anagram solver
  • Missing letters word solver
  • Anagram solver, which also supports missing letters
  • Simple user interface
  • Large word list of around 350,000 English words

It is ad-supported, but otherwise entirely functional. In the current version 1.0.1, there's an ad banner at the bottom of the screen and a full-screen advert will appear randomly when solving the missing letters of a word - however - this will only happen at most once during the app's runtime.


Free (ad-supported):

Get it on Google Play

Pro (ad-free):

Get it on Google Play

Filed under: technology, crossword solver, apps

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