npm is terrible
It's hard for me to believe in the quality of a piece of software that behaves like this:
$ npm install [package]
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
$ npm install [package]
I'm sure about five years ago npm was a useful and reliable piece of software. Perhaps I remember incorrectly.
I had another tale of npm woe last week when after runing `npm install`, my node_modules/package-name was a symlink to none other than node_modules/package-name. For some reason, downgrading npm to version 3 (from version 5) made it all work properly.
I groaned today when I had to install yarn, yet another package manager, to install something else, but the sooner something sane replaces npm the better.
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Talk is cheap
The sooner Yarn or anything else replaces it, the better.
Recently there was that bizarre fork of NodeJS by some petulant children employed by NPM, which was a pretty weird chapter, too. But that's unrelated to the fact that NPM is terrible.
– 21:02:57 20th November 2018